Behind The Canvas
Ko Putauaki te maunga
Ko Tarawera te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngati Awa, Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa te iwi
Nō Rotorua ahau
Ko Vendela tōku ingoa
I am a Rotorua based Māori Incorporating Artist, I have been painting professionally since 2014. The rediscovery of my Māori heritage was fundamental to the beginning of my journey as an artist. Learning of my culture, my whakapapa links and my history created the inspiration to many of my paintings. I have an intrinsic affinity for Māoritanga and a personal passion for Mana Wāhine, a passion that shows through out my work. The aim of my mahi is to make Māori art more mainstream and affordable, and from that, bring more Māori culture into homes.
Ngā Mihi
Vendela Patrick